Chapter 88- Healing And Apologies

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I smiled as I cradled Bendy in my arms. He was purring like crazy. The poor thing was tired. He really does need a break, we all do.

I sighed as I stood up, Bendy in my arms. He looked up at me, confused. "What're you doing papa?" Asked Bendy. I smiled. "I'm going to revive everyone so we can talk."

Bendy nodded and jumped down from my arms. "You need both your hands for that! I'll watch!" Bendy said, excitedly. I chuckled a little and nodded. "Okay."

I looked over to Inky, they didn't look dead, just unconscious. "Any ideas to wake them up?" I asked. Bendy though for a moment, then smiled evilly. "Yep! Just give me a second!" Bendy said before running into the house. I nodded, walking over to, Inky. I sighed and leaned down to them.

Suddenly Bendy ran outside with an air horn. He ran over to me and Inky and smile. "I'd plug my ears if I were you!" Bendy said. I quickly did as told. Bendy then blew the air horn in Inky's face. Inky startled awake and jumped up on all fours. I snorted as Bendy laughed. Inky just growled. "I hate you both..." They mumbled. Bendy smirked. "But you looooove Henry~" Bendy teased. I looked away, a thin layer of blush on my face. Inky looked over to me. "Is it really him this time...?"

"Yep! I saw the red ink disappear! It's all gone!" Bendy said. Inky looked a bit unsure. They walked over to me and rubbed their face on my chest. I smiled and pet them. "Hey darling." I said with a smile. Inky purred and wagged their tail. "Welcome back." They purred.

Bendy made a gagging face and rolled his pie cut eyes. "Okay okay! Come on lovebirds! Let's go revive the others!" Bendy said, running into the house. Inky glared at him as they stood up, holding their hand out to help me. I grabbed it and stood myself up. "Thanks." I mumbled. Inky nodded.

After Henry revived everyone ((Bc I'm lazy))
I sighed and sat on the couch. Inky had just got back from getting everyone back from the studio. Bendy went to go play with Boris and Alice in their room. Tom and Inky sat on the couch with me, Allison sitting on the armrest next to, Tom.

Inky looked over to me. "You good?" They asked. I shrugged. "I...just feel horrible for letting that happen..." I mumbled. Tom sighed. "You had no control over it Henry..." He said. I groaned. "I know! That doesn't help though!" I whined. Inky sighed and put an arm around my shoulder. "Maybe you should go rest...get your mind off things. The last thing we need is the red ink coming back and taking you over because your stressing." Inky mumbled. I sighed and nodded, standing up. "Well...I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said before walking to my bedroom.

Tom helped me board up the hole in the wall earlier, so at least that's delt with. I cleaned up the bloody mess in here earlier with, Wally.

I sighed and face planted my bed, groaning. I crawled up into bed and covered myself up with the blankets. "Time for 'relaxation'..."

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