Chapter 12- The Angel

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Henry POV

'The group was almost complete! I got Norman, Sammy...Allison and Tom stopped by and decided to join! Jack came up from an ink puddle as an ink blob...I found Wally, he was stuck as a butcher gang member, I think Grant and Shawn were too! Buddy tagged along as well, he was trapped in, Boris! Now it was time to get...Susie...aka, "The Angel"...'


I told the others to stay on the elevator as it hit the angels level. The only people who came were...Inky and Norman. Norman could blind Susie if anything went wrong. Inky was stronger then her.

I walked down the hall and to the front door to the Angels domain. Inky and Norman at my sides. "Susie! It's me Henry! Please! Come out!" I shouted. I heard a clank of metal, then the doors opened. I saw a very deformed Angel standing there. "Henry? You left us here..." She mumbled. "I left to serve in the army and get married! I swear I didn't know Joey did this!" I said. Susie sighed. "I...I did a lot of bad stuff, Henry...I cannot leave...I don't deserve this..."

"Susie! I'm turning you back to how you were before! Human...then you can live with me and the others..." I said. Susie sighed. "You don't understand...I killed...I...I..." She started to cry. I sighed and hugged her. He then started to laughed. Inky growled. "Hahahah! You actually believed I was crying! Pathetic..." She growled as he took a knife and stabbed me in the shoulder. I screamed and fell onto my knees. Inky growled and pounced onto her. Norman came to help me. "'s not her fault..." I mumbled. They looked at me, confused. "She is trapped in Alice...Alice is in control right now..." I said. Inky nodded and grabbed, Alice, throwing her over their shoulder.

"Now let's go turn you guys human!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now