Chapter 37- Battlefield

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((EDITED 12/13/22))


Henry POV
I clenched my fist tightly as Joey jumped down from his little stage. He pulled out a dagger and grinned. "Summon the searchers!" We yelled. Suddenly a whole bunch of searchers came up, though none of them were coming after me. I looked confused as the others fought. "Well, my dear pal...guess it's just you and me fighting now~" He said with a smirk as he threw the dagger towards me.

I jolted up and dodged it. Or so I thought I did. I grunted as the sharp blade hit my shoulder, piercing through my skin. I fell to my knees as I ripped the dagger out of my skin. 'Come on Damn it! You can't be weak! Fight! Fight for them! F-For everyone!'

I stood up, trembling from the pain in my shoulder. I held the dagger in my fist as I stepped closer to, Joey. I was getting ready to stab him, but he made some sort of hand signal to the searchers, then there was a loud bang. "NO!?" I heard Allison scream. I jolted my head towards her to see Tom on the ground in his human form. There was blood splattered all over. Allison was crying over his dead body.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. "Think twice before you stab me~ I can make all of your friends suffer~" Joey said. I sighed and stared at him." this is going way to far,'ve done've proven yourself a monster! SO WHY CONTINUE!?" I shouted, pain in my voice. My friends were dying one by one. All because of me...

I had tears running down my face as I stared at him. Joey looked down at me, that same devilish smirk on his face. I glared at him as he pulled out another dagger. "Let me end you peacefully-!"

I cut him off my stabbing the dagger into his shoulder. He yelped and fell backwards from shock. He really didn't expect karma, did he?

I stood over him and was about to stab him again, when suddenly he snapped his fingers. A lost one came charging out at, Norman. "NORMAN WATCH OUT!?" I shouted. He looked at me then screeched when the lost one slammed a metal pipe into his head. He fell backwards and glitched into his human form. I stared at him, scared for what Joey would do next. Norman tried backing away from the lost one that was now holding the pipe over his now bleeding head.

I closed my eyes, to scared to watch. Then out of no where there was a loud bang, it almost sounded like someone hit someone with an axe. I slowly opened my eyes to see of all people. "S-Sammy..." I mumbled. He was standing in front of the now bleeding, Norman, holding an axe like he just killed someone with it. Sammy looked over to me and stared at, Joey. He growled and slid the axe to me. "End him! End that monster!?" Sammy shouted. I picked up the axe and thought about it, then suddenly an idea came to mind. I threw the axe at the ground. "No...I...I surrender..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now