Chapter 40- Finding The Demons

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I backed away. "So we have to just wait for him to die!?" Norman shouted. I nodded, sadly. "Apparently my power is to bring people back from the dead...not healing..." I mumbled. Norman sighed.

"Well...let's just go find those demons...then we will go from there..." Tom said. I nodded. "I'm staying out here with, Sammy..." Norman mumbled. I nodded. "Let's go guys!" I said as I started to walk to a big door, Allison and Tom behind me.

We all walked through the now opened door. I looked around for clues to the demons. There were glass bottles full of alcohol. Knifes, and other such blades. And a lot of other stuff. I sighed as I walked to a door. It had a sign on it saying, "Do. Not. Enter.". I smirked and pushed the door open. "How dare you, Henry! It says do not enter!" Tom said sarcastically. Allison snorted. "Guys! Stay to the plan!"

They nodded. I looked around and saw only cages. No demons. I stopped when I heard a familiar whimper. Looking over, I widened my eyes. "Omg...what did Joey do to you guys..."

I'm so sorry it's short! I'm trying to draw a cover for my new book coming out-

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now