Chapter 21- Confession

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Inky POV

I sighed as I thought for a while. What would be simple and comfortable to confess with?

I looked down at my hands then it instantly came to me. 'I could make something out of my ink! Maybe...a necklace? But not just any necklace! A special one! Made from the ink of an ink demon! B-But what would it say? Think bendy! THINK!'

I grinned as it came to to me. 'I'll make it now! I'll confess tonight!'


I walked out of my room to see, Henry. I didn't wanna do it now! So I hid the necklace underneath my ink. I walked over to Henry and laid a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and looked up at me. "Oh! It's just you, Inky..." He said as he made a sigh of relief. I nodded and sat down on my knees. "What are you doing, Henry?" I asked. Henry smiled. "Oh! Nothing! I'm just organizing my pantry!" Henry said. I nodded.

Henry turned to look at me. "You want something?" He asked, confused. I blushed slightly, hiding it under my ink. "I-Uh..." I mumbled. No one else was out here, only me and him. 'Now was perfect. Pull it together, Inky! Just do it! Worse case he will say no! What's so bad about that?'

I sighed and pulled out the necklace, hiding it in my hand. Henry looked at me, confused. I blushed and put it on him. "I...I made you this..." I mumbled. Henry gasped and smiled as he looked at it. "It's a necklace with your name on it..." I mumbled. Henry smiled brightly and hugged me. I hugged him back. "Thank you so much, Inky! No one has really ever made me anything..." He mumbled. I tilted my head. "Not even..."

"Nope...Not even her..." He mumbled. I sighed and purred as he pet my head. "Okay you little devil! Why did you make me this?" He asked. 'Okay, Inky...this is your time to shine! Just...don't act stupid...'

"H-Henry...I know it might sound weird coming from...well coming from me of all people in this world..." I started off. Henry tilted his head in confusion. "What I'm trying to say is...Henry...I...I...I Love You..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now