Chapter 108- Purple Ink?!

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Henry POV
I stared Joey dead in the eyes. His grin stayed planted on his face. We were outside. I was suspecting things to get bloody real quick. I sighed and looked over to, Inky. I made some sort of signal and they nodded, running into the house. Suddenly I heard footsteps beside me. "I can fight too." Said Sammy, standing next to me. "No, Sammy! It's way to dangerous! You don't even know how to control your ink properly!"

"I'm fine, Henry. I can do this!" Sammy said. I groaned and nodded. " careful..." I mumbled. He nodded and got in position to fight, that was until. "Sammy! My old pal! It's been so long since I've seen ya!" Said a familiar voice. Sammy shot his head over and widened his eyes. "J-Jack!?" He exclaimed. "Come here! Give your friend a big hug!" Jack smiled. Sammy smirked and ran over to him. I felt uneasy about this.

Suddenly Jack started laughing. He threw Sammy to the ground and stomped his foot onto his side. Sammy hissed out in pain and whimpered, staring up at, Jack. "W-why?"

"Why?" Jack started laughing. "WHY?! You left me! You left me to rot!? Now it's time for revenge!" Jack growled. Sammy gulped. "Don't make me do this, Jack..."

"Awe? Is that supposed to be a threat?" Jack asked, pouting dramatically. Sammy sighed. "You asked for it. Sammy then held out both his hands towards Jack, making him float. Jack screamed in surprise. He then threw him to the ground.

I watched this all happen. I felt bad for Sammy. His own friend backstabbed him. Of course I guess that's what's happening right now with, Joey. I looked back over to Joey. He was staring at me in a bit of fear. He held up his device thing and lunged at me. I yelped and put my hands in front of me for defense. Suddenly everything went quiet. I peaked my eye open to see everything went still. I stared at Joey who was inches away from me with the device. He was frozen still. I sighed in relief. I looked down at my hands and widened my eyes. They were purple? "A-Another ink...this one...pauses time...? What a coincidence..." I mumbled.

I wondered how to resume time. I paced back and forth, forgetting about the situation and only caring about the ink. I then snapped my fingers when an idea came to mind. Then time resumed. Joey lunged at me, pinning me to the ground, the device to my neck. I screamed in surprise and pain. The device hurts a lot. I groaned and looked at my hands. The ink was...gone...everyone stared at me in worried. "H-Henry...Your's gone..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now