Chapter 5- Giving Bendy A Bath

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((EDITED 12/10/22))

Henry POV

I smiled as I was thinking of all the new stuff I was going to do. Now that I had my single life back, it was time to make some changes around here. I need to make Inky a room, and Bendy can either stay in the same room as Inky or with me. I need to repaint the living room, the paint was chipping. And I need to throw out all of Linda's items.

I sighed as I walked over to the bathroom, Bendy in my arms. I took off his bow tie and shoes and set them on the bathroom counter. I sat Bendy down on the floor and started the warm bath water.

Bendy yawned as he stretched his now energized muscles. I stopped the bath water once the bath got above a certain point. I picked up Bendy, he was like a little baby. I set him in the bath and watched his every movement.

Bendy didn't like the way the water touched his open wounds, but then again, it felt nice. "I know it hurts want a toy?" I asked. Bendy nodded as he whimpered in pain. I smiled and grabbed put a rubber ducky. I placed it in the bath tub and Bendy's face instantly lit up. He grabbed the ducky and played with it as if he was a cat. I laughed and smiled at his reaction.

I then decided it was time to actually bath him. I grabbed some shampoo and put some into my hand. "I'm sorry if this hurts bud...but it will help!" I said as I started to rub the shampoo onto his fur. Bendy yelped and hissed in pain as he tried to claw at my hands. I sighed and continued to make sure all the blood was covered by the soap before I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I then poured the water onto Bendy, washing all the soap off.

Bendy whimpered as I picked him up. I'm guessing he hated the cold air against his wet fur. I don't blame him, it stinks. I wrapped Bendy up in a towel. He was a little bit shorter then the height of my knees. He definitely could not reach a doorknob.

I finished drying Bendy off before I put his bow tie back on. "S-Shoes!" He said as he pointed to his feet. "No Bendy...Shoes are for outside use only!" I said. Bendy huffed and nodded. I smiled and pet his head. "Now come on! Let's go see, Inky!"

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