Chapter 13- Golden Ink?

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Henry POV

I got off at the Ink machine exit, the rest behind me. I had already gotten the, Ink Machine Guide. I read the manual as the rest followed behind me. We reached the Ink Machine room. I stared at the big roaring machine. It was pouring ink as it roared. I walked up to it, looking at it, very closely.

"What's the plan?" Inky asked. "To get them under the machine, safely..." I mumbled. Alice growled as Inky sat her down. "Stay dog." They growled. I sighed as I continued to read the manual. "This is going to be more difficult then I thought..." I mumbled. Norman shined his light on my book to make it easier to read. I smiled. "Thanks..." I mumbled. He nodded.

I felt uneasy as Inky walked away to keep the others back while I did this. Then suddenly I was pushed into the pouring ink. I screamed as I got it in and on my right eye. Norman panicked and grabbed me out, scanning me, up and down. I held my right eye as it stung. It was glued shut, I couldn't move it.

Suddenly...I body felt...alive...

I looked at my hands. They had ink from my fingers to my lower arm. What made me concerned was there was a gold pattern on it. "Why's it gold?" I asked. Norman shrugged.

Inky ran over, having Tom pin Alice down to keep her still until they turned human. "Henry! Your eye! It'" They mumbled. I looked at them in confusion. "So are my hands! It's...weird..." I mumbled. Inky nodded. Sammy walked over and sat down beside me. "You okay, Henry?" He asked, worried. I nodded, patting his shoulder. He yelped in pain as I took my hand off. There was golden ink in the spot I touched him. He grabbed his head and grunted in pain. "S-Sammy? Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know what's going on..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now