Chapter 22- First Kiss

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

My eyes widened. 'Did they...did they really just...say that to me? A-After all I put them through...they...they love me...?'

Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. A mix of joy and guilt washed over me. I smiled and hugged the inky demon. Inky purred and hugged me back. "I...I love you too, Inky!" I said as I kissed their cheek. Inky Blushed and so did I. "Y-You do?" Inky asked me. I nodded. "Yep! I always did...ever since we first met in the studio...when I was holding Bendy for the first feels like forever since's only been 2 or so weeks..." I mumbled. Inky purred and snuggled their head into my shoulder.

Next Day
Inky POV

I groaned as I stood up. Henry must be cooking breakfast again. I sighed as I walked out, only to be met with, Norman. "Oh my gosh! What is up with you and jump-scaring me!?" I hissed. Norman snorted. "Relax demon- how did your "confession" go?" He asked. I blushed. "How did you?"

"Henry has on your necklace. He seems to love it!" Norman said. I blushed harder. " went...well..." I mumbled. Norman smiled. "So the ship has sailed?" He asked. I groaned and nodded. He smiled wider and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the kitchen where, Henry was. "Kiss him...!" Norman whispered to me. I hissed at him. "What!? No!" I whispered back. He rolled his eyes and pushed me into, Henry.

I blushed as Henry jumped, startled. "H-Hey, Inky!" He said. Blushing. I blushed as well and looked over at Norman who nodded to me. I sighed and grabbed Henry by the collar of his shirt. He yelped. I then kissed him. I could hear Susie squeal as she saw me. Wally let out an "awe!" sound. I broke the kiss and looked at Henry. He was blushing insanely. " you too..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now