Chapter 17- Shopping

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

I smiled as I made breakfast. I was making eggs and bacon. I finished and put the food onto plates for everyone. I sighed as I looked at the sleeping few. Sammy and Norman were snuggled next to each other...Sammy always did like to cuddle...I chuckled. Susie was flailing her legs on the couch while she was on the floor. Buddy slept on the sofa on one side, Shawn on the other. The others were on the floor in random places.

I sighed as I placed the plates of food on the table. I then walked over to the sleeping people. I grabbed two frying pans and slammed them together, making a loud bang. Sammy shot up and stared at me, soon turing into a glare. Norman dragged him back down and groaned. "Sleeep!" Norman mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "GUYS! FOOD IS DONE!" I shouted. Susie and Buddy immediately stood up and ran to the table, grabbing their plates. I smiled and sighed as I sat down on the couch.

After Breakfast

"So...I just got my tax money...and I saved up a lot of money for literally no reason- l'm gonna go shopping for beds and other stuff!" I said. Everyone agreed. I smiled and stood up, I haven't returned the truck yet, so I can just buy stuff snd put it in there. "Okay! Now everyone...write a list stating your color scheme and other stuff you want me to get other then bedding!" I said. I handed everyone a paper and went to get Inky. "Inky! Wake up! You're coming with me!" I said. Inky groaned and sat up. "How about, Bendy?" They asked. I smiled. "Leave him with Buddy or something! Buddy is always good with kids!" I said. Inky nodded as they picked up Bendy, taking him to Buddy. I followed and went outside to start the truck up.

At Store

We finally arrived at the store. First store was the mattress store. I know Allison and Tom want a queen size bed. Sammy and Norman said they don't really like sleeping alone due to I guess I get them on as well?

Wally, Shawn, Grant, Susie, and Buddy can all get twin beds.

Inky grabbed a flat cart so we could put the mattresses on it. They were strong so that's why I brought them-

I walked to the back of the store where the twin beds were sold. "Inky, we need five twin beds." I said. Inky nodded and grabbed five and placed them on the cart. "Damn, you're strong..." I mumbled. Inky nodded. I smiled as I went to the section where the queen beds were kept. "Two of these!" I said. Inky nodded and again, put them on the mattresses. "Let's put these in the truck and then come back in for the frames..." Inky said. I nodded as I ran to check out.

At Walmart

We had just finished getting the beds and frames, now it was time for the room décor!

"We might need two carts...I'll grab one, you grab the other!" I said. Inky thought for a moment. "I'll get a flat one to carry bookcases and stuff, you get the other one to carry bedding and light things." Inky said. I nodded and grabbed a cart, walking to bedding as Inky followed.

I looked at the list. Sammy; White. Norman; Black. Susie; Pink and black. Buddy; red. Grant; green. Shawn; blue. Wally; orange. Tom; yellow. Allison; purple...

I smiled and grabbed bedding sets based on the colors. Don't care if they are sharing beds, they are still getting both sets.

I walked over to bookcases and stuff. "Get 18 I guess...2 per person?" I said. Inky nodded. As soon as they did that, I went to the rugs and got the colored ones.

We took this trip to the truck then came back in for TVs and dressers, with Xboxes as well!

(Don't ask how much money Henry has- it's logic- 1- he worked in the army, 2- he saved up for 30 years, 3- He stole Money from Linda's wallet and she was semi rich, 4- Book logic)

I sighed as I pulled up to the house with the truck. Now it was time for Inky and me to unpack and set things up...

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