Chapter 60- The Golden Demon

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((EDITED 12/14/22))
Henry POV

I smirked and glared at, Joey. Joey stared at me with an emotionless face. I looked over to Bendy who was crying on the ground, curled into a ball. Joey was now a few feet away from, Bendy.

I ran over to Bendy quickly. He was still in his new form. He looked up at me, tears running down his face. I sighed and smiled, holding out my hand. Bendy smiled and grabbed it with his non-broken hand. I helped him up and thought for a moment. " have the same Ink as I do! Maybe...maybe I could make you as powerful as me!" I said. Bendy thought for a moment, then nodded. "I'll take the risk!"

I smiled and stared down at my hands. I then took in a deep breath and touched Bendy's shoulders with both of my hands, closing my eyes. I felt all my power grain from me as Bendy made groaning noises. I opened my eyes and widened them, taking my hands off the demon. I noticed my ink went back to how it was before. Green, Blue, and Gold streaks. Though...Bendy...he was different...

The demon stared down at me with a wide smile. All his ink turned to gold. I smiled and nodded to him. "Inky will be okay...just defeat, Joey!"

Third Person POV

Bendy made a snarl and turned towards, Joey. The golden ink healed his arm and leg. Joey looked almost, terrified? Henry, Sammy, and Allison all stood back as the demon glared at, Joey.

Suddenly Joey built up enough gut to pounce at, Bendy. Bendy therefore instantly grabbing him by the neck. Joey gasped and clawed at the demons wrist. Bendy growled and slammed him into the ground, still holding tightly onto his neck.

"Any. Last. Words?" Bendy hissed. Joey stared up at him and snarled. "Yes! No matter how much your little demon self tries...I will be back! And next time, I will kill you!?"

Bendy rolled his toon eyes and punched his other hand through the chest on the inky demon (Joey).

You could notice the life leave from them. Bendy sighed as he stood up on his two feet, staring down at, Inky. "Will he be okay?" Sammy asked, still using Allison for support. Henry nodded, walking over to, Inky. He got onto his knees and touched the demons cheek. His blue ink rushed onto the demon as Bendy's gold ink disappeared, as well as his form. Henry stared down at Inky as Bendy sat on the ground, watching.

Inky then coughed and sat up. "Inky! Oh thank god you're okay!" Henry exclaimed, hugging the demon. Inky chuckled and hugged him back. "Glad to be back~"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now