Chapter 63- Again...At The Studio...

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I put my shirt on and grabbed my phone. I walked out to see Inky holding a crying, Bendy. "What happened?" I asked, running over to them. Inky sighed. "He's not a morning person, plus he's scared of the studio."

I sighed. "'s okay, Bud...Joey's gone and this is the last time I'm going back to that studio!" I said. Bendy smiled and nodded. "O-Okay..." He mumbled. Inky then whispered something in his ear which made, Bendy blush. I tilted my head. "What did you say to the poor demon?"

"Nothing!" Inky said, staring at me, innocently. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the car keys that were sitting on my side table. "We will have to lower all the seats except Bendy's..." I mumbled. Inky nodded and started walking to the car. "Get Bendy in his seat, I'll lower the rest of the seats..."

"Okie doki captain!" Inky said. I smiled and walked out to the car. I opened the truck and the side door with my keys. Inky went to put Bendy in his seat as I went to the trunk. I climbed into the trunk and started to put the seats down. Once I was done, I climbed into my seat and sat down. I started the car and sighed. "Well...back to the studio...once again..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now