Chapter 53- Going Home

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((EDITED 12/14/22))

Henry POV

I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek. "Sammy...Norman's at home...not here..." I mumbled. "W-Where am I then?"

"At the studio..." I said. Sammy groaned and rolled over to his side again. "Inky...carry him..." I mumbled. Inky nodded and picked him up. "We have to go...before his panic attacks kick in..." Inky mumbled. I nodded and stared to walk, but I heard Inky growl. I turned around to see Sammy on the ground, fear in his eyes as he backed away from, Inky. "Inky, Darling? You okay?" I asked. They nodded and stared at me. "Just fine!"

Sammy stared at me in fear. I tilted my head and walked over to him. "You okay, Sammy?" I asked. He shrugged. "I...I didn't feel like that was, to be, Inky..." Sammy mumbled. I'm not gonna lie. That kinda freaked me out with him saying that. "Sammy...your probably just tired...let's get you to, Norman!" I said. Sammy nodded and stood up, trembling, but still keeping his balance.

I walked into the elevator with everyone else and pressed level, G, which stood for "ground".

I sighed as the elevator went down. It eventually stopped. I stepped out of it and walked outside. The cold breeze was nice. Sammy didn't seem to love it. "Are we going?"

I nodded and hopped into my car. Sammy got into the backseat as Inky got into the passenger seat. "Wanna talk to Allison and Tom? Maybe Norman's awake as well." I asked. Sammy nodded repeatedly and reached for my phone. I gave it to him and smiled as he dialed, Allison's number.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now