Chapter 32- Their...Gone...

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Allison POV

I walked towards the elevator with Tom behind me. We stepped inside and pressed level 11. It felt like forever before the elevator stopped. We stepped out. I froze when I heard a gunshot. I pulled out my sword and looked at, Tom. "Get ready..." I mumbled. He nodded.

He both started to walk towards the gunshot. The ink on the walls getting more intense. They were almost pouring out of the walls right now. I sighed. Me and Tom then made a left turn. I widened my eyes and dropped my sword, covering my mouth with my hands as tears poured down my face. My two friends were on the ground...dead...

I ran over to Wally and Buddy. Tom checked Buddy while I checked Wally. "Nonononononono NO!" I cried as I hugged my dead friend. Tom sighed and patted me on the back. "W-We have to take them to, Henry..." I mumbled. Tom nodded and picked up the two. I grabbed my sword and sighed as we started to walk towards the elevator again.

Henry POV
I sighed as I watched Norman held his wounded brother. I walked over to him and set a hand on his shoulder. Norman flinching and made a static growl. "'s okay,'s just me..." I said. He then focused his attention on, Sammy again. I sighed. None of them deserved this...

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now