Chapetr 76- Together!

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Alice POV

'Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! I didn't mean to say that! It was going so...well...I mean sure! I do love him! He's SNAP OUT OF IT ALICE! He can't love you back! You're an Angel...he's a'll never work out...'

I sighed and pushed him away, turning over. "A-Alice! I need answers! Please?" Said Bendy. I blushed and groaned. "No! It'll never work out...we aren't made for each other!" I whined, tears forming in my eyes. Bendy sighed. "You's taking a lot of gut out of me to say this...risking the end of our friendship...but...I...I love you too..." Bendy said.

I widened my eyes. I really wasn't expecting that. I sat up and looked at him. "F-For reals?" I asked. He nodded, blushing like the adorable demon he it. I smiled and pounced onto him in excitement, kissing him. He kissed me back. I pulled away and sighed. "We can't tell Henry about this! He made us to only be friends!" I said. Bendy nodded in agreement and hugged me close to him. "Well...I don't care if it risk being erased...I love you so much, Alice!"

"I love you more!" I teased. Bendy huffed. "No! I do!"

"Awe! You do~!" I purred, laying a kiss on his cheek. Bendy purred in response and laid his forehead against mine. "We should have babies!" I suggested. Bendy coughed and pushed me off of him. "NOPE! I'M OUTTA HERE!?"

"HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!" Wally said, barging in. I awkwardly sat there, watching. "Well...this just got...weird..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now