Chapter 85- Red Ink Wars Pt 3

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((EDITED 12/16/22))


Third Person POV
Buddy whimpered as he sat down in his room, Grant and Shawn were with him. They were all hiding under a bed. Buddy looked over to Grant. "Are we going to make it through this?" He asked. Grant sighed and shrugged. "If you want honesty, probably not...but hey! Once Henry is snapped out of it, he'll heal us!" Grant said with a reassuring smile as he put his arm around, Buddy. Buddy smiled nervously and nodded. "I-If you say so..."

Suddenly the bedroom door swung open. Buddy whimpered and hugged onto, Grant. Shawn kept an eye on Henry as he searched the room. Henry was carrying a knife and what looked to be a fork. Shawn covered his mouth when Henry jumped onto the bed. He then stabbed the knife through the mattress. Buddy screamed but quickly went silent from Grant putting his hand on his mouth.

Henry smiled sinisterly and jumped off the bed. "Found ya~!" He laughed before he lunged his arm beneath the bed, grabbing Buddy by the arm. Buddy screamed and gripped onto Grant with his other arm. Grant growled and tried yanking Buddy from his grip, but course he failed. Henry gripped onto his arm tighter and yanked him out from underneath the bed. Buddy whimpered and tried to run. Henry growled and threw him to the ground, placing his foot on his side.

Grant and Shawn both covered their mouths and closed their eyes. Henry smirked and chuckled raising the knife above, Buddy. Buddy whimpered and kicked Henry, causing him to fall back. Buddy took this advantage to get up and run out to the living room.

-Gore Warning!-
Buddy sighed with relief after he got to the kitchen, happy he got free. That happiness soon disappeared when he felt the hot breath of Henry on his neck. "Poor poor, Buddy~ thinking he could escape his fate~!" Henry purred.

Henry laughed insanely as he stabbed the fork into Buddy's eye. Buddy screamed out in agony as he fell to his knees. "DAMN IT WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE EYE!?" He cried out. Henry smirked. "Your death will be like last time~!" Henry said before he plunged the knife through Buddy's chest. Buddy gasped out for air before falling to the ground.

Henry smiled insanely, his red ink dripping onto the floor. Suddenly a bedroom door slammed open. Henry turned his head towards the noise. "I'm tired of hiding from an idiot like you. Come on! Fight me!" Said Bertrum. Henry laughed and nodded. "Sure thing~!"

Bertrum growled and grabbed a shoe, throwing it at Henry's face. Henry didn't like that. He growled and picked up a chair and threw it at Bertrum, knocking him to the ground. Henry walked over to him with a knife and held it over him. "Any last words~?" He asked. Bertrum growled as he stared up at, Henry. "You're stronger then you look, Henry..."

"I'm not Henry...Henry is gone! Now die!" Henry yelled as he stabbed Bertrum in the chest. Bertrum coughed up blood before going lifeless. Henry pulled the knife out of his chest and licked some of the blood off of it. "Mmm~ If only I had the time~"

"STOP IT YOU MONSTER!?" Screamed Lacie from behind. Henry raised his brow and turned around, facing the women. Beside her were, Grant and Shawn. They both looked terrified. "Hehe~! A kill streak~!" Purred Henry as he held up his knife. "Really? A knife? You're so basic." Lacie said, rolling her eyes. Henry looked at the knife. "Meh. You're right. Tommy gun it is~!"

Grant and Shawn widened their eyes as Henry grabbed a Tommy gun, loading it up and facing it towards them. "Whoa! Whoa! Officer! I'm innocent!" Lacie teased. Henry rolled his eyes and shot her in the head. "You're getting on my nerves..." Henry spat. Grant raised his hands along with Shawn.

Henry looked towards them, his brows narrowed. "Night night~!" He said before shooting broth of them. They both fell lifeless to the ground.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now