Chapter 59- Tempted Revenge (4)

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((EDITED 12/14/22))

Henry POV

"B-Bendy..." I mumbled. Bendy was in a form like, Inky. Though he had no ink on his face. He had a long tail and was on all fours, staring at, Inky (Joey).

"Henry! Joey possessed, Inky! H-He got a hold of Sammy and Bendy got mad and...this happened..." Allison explained. " Sammy okay?" I asked. Allison shrugged as she was helping Sammy stand. "I-I'm fine...he just got my leg..."

" let's see if Bendy's new form can take this demon down. Bendy smiled at Henry and nodded. "At your service, Dad!" He said. I smiled at the nickname and stood back, allowing him to have his space.

Bendy growled as he looked at, Joey. " hurt hurt my friends! Killed them even! You deserve to go to hell, Joey..." Bendy hissed. Joey laughed and held up the knife. "Maybe I do~ but I ain't going anywhere until I kill you!" He growled as he chucked the knife at, Bendy. Bendy successfully dodged it and lunged at, Joey, biting his arm. Joey grinned. "You do know I'm in the body of your dear brother~"

Bendy widened his eyes and backed away, not wanted to hurt, Inky. "Bendy! No! Don't listen to him! Inky's okay!" I said. Bendy whimpered and held his head with his heads. He looked frustrated. Joey then took this chance to lunge at the poor demon, grabbing his arm and twisting it. Bendy let out a painful scream as Joey broke his arm and leg.

I growled and stared at him, hatred in my eye. I then felt power surge through my body. Allison gasped and backed away from me. "H-Henry! Your ink! It's all, Golden!" Sammy said. I stared down at my now golden hands and smirked. "You wanna fight, Joey...I'll give you a fight you will NEVER forget!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now