Chapter 31- YOU MONSTER!?

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((EDITED 12/12/22))


Allison POV
I looked around, Heavenly Toys, no sight of the demons. I sighed. "Tom! We've looked everywhere we were told to look! They aren't here!" I said. Tom nodded. He sat down next to me and sighed. I knew he couldn't talk cause he was in toon form at the moment, but I could read his eyes. He was trying to think on what to do next.

"Should we...go look for the others?" I asked. Tom shrugged And nodded. I smiled and we both went looking for the others.
Wally POV
I smiled as me and Buddy looked around the closet's and such. We looked in my janitor closet. His closet. No sight of the ink demons.

I sighed. "Well, Buddy...I guess we just have to count on the others to find them!" I said. Buddy nodded.

We both jumped when we heard a familiar laugh. "J-Joey..." Buddy mumbled. Then all of a sudden, I heard a stabbing noise. I widened my eyes to see Buddy had gotten stabbed in the stomach. "BUDDY!?" I shouted, tears streaming down my face as I held my bleeding friend. "G-Go...he's...he's coming..." Buddy mumbled. "N-no! I can't leave you! ... I...I..." I cried out as I hugged him. He coughed up blood and gasped for air. "I-I'm sorry..." Was the last words he said before he died.

I cried as I held him close. He was one of my closest friends. I felt safe with him...we would do everything together...

I froze when I heard the clank of a gun. "Well, Well, Well...what do we have here...?" Someone said. I jumped at the realization of who it was. "J-Joey...why? WHY!? YOU MONSTER!?" I growled. Joey rolled his eyes. "Just remember who has the gun, Wally..." Joey mumbled. I sighed. "What do you want from me...?" I asked, fear trailing my voice. "Oh! Nothing much...just your life~" He said as he put the gun to my head. "J-Joey...please...have mercy..." I mumbled. "Mercy...Mercy is for the weak..." Joey said as he pulled the trigger.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now