Chapter 98- Doubting?

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I watched as Sammy focused, his hands outward. "You said to close your eyes and relax?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed and closed his eyes. I looked around for any changes, but saw none. His hands were the same, his hair stayed still, everything in the room was as it was before.

Sammy opened his eyes and looked to me. "Did anything happen?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not from what I saw..." I mumbled. Sammy groaned. "They how did the pencil float! Susie saw the ink! I-"

"It was probably just the wind." I said. Sammy glared at me. "The wind? THE WIND, HENRY!? There you go...brushing everything off like you always do! First it was Bendy's vision. Then it was Joey taking over Inky. NOW THIS!? There isn't even any damn windows in here!" Sammy growled. I looked around. "I don't...doubt you, Sammy..." I said, standing up. "I just, won't believe it til I see it..." and with that being said I walked out of the room.

I sighed as I closed the door. I could here Sammy mumble angrily about something. I groaned and walked back to my room. I opened and door and stared in concern at, Inky. They were on the floor in a position a cat would be in if they wanted belly rubs. I snickered. "Uhm- what did I walk into?" I asked. They jumped up on all fours, staring up at me. "Nothing! You saw nothing!" Inky hissed. I rolled my eyes, chuckling. "Sure..."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. Inky sat beside me. "So...what happened with, Sammy?" Inky asked. I sighed. "He claims he has this orange ink like Susie said. But apparently only he can see it when it's not being used. He tried using it "again", but nothing happened." I explained. " don't think there is an ink?"

"No! It's not like I don't...I just...don't wanna believe it til I see it...we don't need more ink stress on us right! I'm already suspecting me to get another ink anytime now!" I said. Inky nodded. "Understood." They purred, snuggling their head into my lap. I smiled and pet them. "I swear you act like a cat-"

"What if I am one?" Inky asked, concerned. I coughed. "That would just be weird- but I would not be surprised..." I mumbled. Inky snickered and licked my cheek. I blushed slightly. "Bed?" They asked. I yawned and shrugged. "Sure."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now