Chapter 104- Fainted

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Susie POV

I stared at the ground, sitting on my bed. I was thinking about things. I jumped when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I stood up and walked out of the room. "What was that?" I asked. Tomas shrugged. "Something is up with, Sammy. Henry's dealing with it." He said. I nodded, worried. Norman was sitting on the couch, glaring at me. I looked away. "What's up with you two-" Buddy asked, seeing the glare. "She's a-"

"NO! There is a child out here!" Wally growled, pointing at Bendy. "Where's the other two?" I asked. Wally shrugged. "Probably in their bedroom." He said. I nodded.

Suddenly Sammy's bedroom door opened. Henry walked out. I looked at him. "What's up with, Sammy?" Tomas asked. Henry sighed. "He Uhm...has developed" Henry mumbled. I widened my eyes, so did everyone else. "WHAT!?" Norman shouted in panic. "He's fine, relax! He just...can't control it easily..." Henry explained.

I snuck past him and ran into Sammy's room. I saw him standing against a wall. "Sammy?" I asked. He looked to me. "Susie?" He asked. I raised my brow. "What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed. "I...don't know how to control this ink...I'm not the ink holder! Henry is!"

I sighed and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He sighed. "You'll be okay! There is a reason for everything...this ink has to be important somehow..." I said. Sammy looked at me. "You very wise, Susie..." He mumbled. I blushed. "O-oh? I am?" I asked. He nodded, getting off the wall.

Sammy nearly fell over. I held onto his arm to support his balance. "Woah! You okay, Sammy?" I asked. He coughed. "I feel I bit...dizzy..." He mumbled. Then suddenly he fainted onto me. I held him up against my chest, blushing intensely.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now