Chapter 10- Norman?

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Henry POV

I groaned as I felt like I was being shook. I opened my eyes to see Inky and Bendy. "W-What's up guys?" I asked. "Your alarm went's time to go!" Inky said. I nodded and yawned as I sat up. I stood off of my bed and onto the floor. "Just let me get dressed and then I'll be right there." I said. Inky nodded as they picked up Bendy and walked to the moving truck.

After I got dressed and grabbed the house and truck keys and ran to the truck. I opened the door and hopped in. Inky was in the passenger side and Bendy was in the middle.

I smiled as I started to drive.

4 long hours Later

I smiled as I was finally here. Inky sighed and got out, grabbing bendy. I hopped out next. I walked into the studio to be met one? No Joey? Just...Ink...

I looked around and saw nothing but ink and the studio walls. Inky looked at me. "Who first?" They asked. "Who will be the easiest?" I asked. Inky thought for a moment, then responded. "Norman, he's pretty chill as long as you don't threaten him. Sammy is annoying so I would recommend him next." They said. I nodded. "Lead the way!"

Inky gladly did as told. They lead me to an elevator and pressed level 14.

The elevator went down, then came to a complete stop. I stepped out of it and looked around. "It's so...creepy down here..." I mumbled. Ink was everywhere. There was a cave or two. I then noticed a tape. I ran down the stairs and Inky followed, still holding Bendy in their arms.

I grabbed the tape and pressed the button. On it was Norman's voice. I sighed. "Inky! I said Norman! Not his voice tape!" I groaned. Suddenly I heard a loud screech. I turned around and saw a projector guy. I started to run in fear, but Inky held me still. "Put out your hand." They said. I whimpered and did as told.

Suddenly it was quiet. The bright projector lights dimmed. I opened my eyes and saw the projector dude staring at me, confused. "Told you he was here..." Inky said. It took me a moment to realize. "N-Norman?" I mumbled. The projector nodded.

I had tears in my eyes. "W-What happened to you..." I asked. Norman shrugged. He looked terrified.

I smiled and pet his head. "It's going to be okay! I'm going to get you out of here...after I turn you and the rest Human..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now