Chapter 6- Getting Rid Of "Her" Stuff

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((EDITED 12/10/22))

Henry POV-

Bendy jumped up and down excitedly. I smiled and picked him up gently. He was still recovering, so he could not walk yet due to all the cuts and bruises on his legs and body.

I walked out to the Living room, setting Bendy's shoes down by the front door and putting him down. He ran to Inky instantly. "Brother! Brother!" Bendy giggled as he climbed up onto the couch, sitting on top of, Inky. Inky smiled and pet him. "You smell nice..." They mumbled. "Yeah...I bathed him to clean out all the dry blood that was on his fur." I said. Inky raised a brow and sniffed Bendy some more. I smirked. "Why? Do you want a bath as well? If so I can totally help you!"

"N-No! I'm fine!" Inky said, blushing intensely as they tried to hide their face behind, Bendy. I smiled. "Okay then! If you change your mind, just tell me! I'm going to go clean out Linda's stuff and text her to come by and grab it..." I Mumbled the last part.

Inky POV
I smiled down at Bendy who was sleeping in my arms. I sighed and set him down. "Time to go check on, Henry...he's been in the room for an hour now..." I said as I covered Bendy with a blanket, making sure he was comfortable.

I stood up, walking towards Henry's room. He was cleaning out Linda's stuff apparently. I laid a knock on the door and waited. No response. I knocked again. No response. "Alright Henry! That's it! I'm coming in there!" I said as I opened the door. I gasped when I saw Henry. He was under a blanket basically, hugging a photo and crying. I sighed and walked over to him, sitting beside him. I placed my arm over his shoulder and pulled him close to me. "Shh...what's wrong, Hen?" I asked in a soothing tone.

Henry sobbed into my chest and shook his head. I'm guessing that meant he didn't want to talk about it?

I patted his back and comforted him. "Is it about, Linda?" I asked. He nodded, still holding the photo close to him. I sighed. "Henry...forget about her...we are your real family! Not her...she's a toxic person...she would ruin you..." I said, still rubbing his back to comfort him. Henry nodded, smiling as he put the remaining stuff into a box. "Can you take this outside? I told her to come get her stuff and to give the spare house key back...I don't need her breaking into my house..." He said. I nodded, standing up and picking up the box. "Of course!"

"Thank you...I'm going to start on your room now..." Henry mumbled. I nodded, walking out of his room and to the front door.

I opened the door and of course...there was Linda with her new boyfriend. She screamed at the sight of me, throwing the house key at me. I grabbed it and threw her junk at her. "Never come back you *Bleep*." I growled as I slammed the door closed, locking it.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now