Chapter 115- The Talk

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Henry POV
I sighed as I finished making breakfast for everyone. I made bacon soup again, it was to early for me to make a fancy meal. I set everyone's plates onto the table and smiled. "FOODS DONE!" I shouted. Susie and Buddy ran out of their room and about tripped to get their food. Everyone else took their time to get out.

After Breakfast

I sat down on the couch, playing on my phone. I felt someone sit beside me. "Henry...that was your name, right?" Asked, Audrey. I looked to her. "Correct. You need something?" I asked. Audrey sighed. "Well...can about's a big move..."

"What is it exactly?" I asked. Audrey took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, hear me out! I've seen how you guys fit in this house, and with me moving in, it ain't comfortable. Not a lot of people have beds to sleep in!" She started. I raised a brow, setting my phone down beside me. "Your saying?"

"I think we should move. Somewhere bigger. Somewhere that everyone will be more comfortable in!" Audrey explained. I thought for a moment. She wasn't wrong. This place was starting to get uncomfortable. I sighed. "Where though? I don't have that much money to buy a mansion!" I pointed out. Audrey smiled. "My father aka your old friend built another studio not far from the first one! Though it's kinda hidden by trees..."

"Audrey...we just got rid of, Joey! And now you want to move into his domain? That's risky! You know he could come back..." I protested. Audrey sighed. "I know...but think about it! It'll be so much more! There is a lot more to do there! A HUGE kitchen! Heaven Toys rebuilt! A rest area! Name it, they have it!" She explained. I sighed. It did sound nice. All this weight lifted off my shoulders. "I'll think about it..."

"Okay! No rush! Just let me know!" And with that she walked off. I sat there, thinking. I needed a second and possibly third opinion on this...

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now