Chapter 19- New Rooms

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

I groaned as I stood on my two trembling legs. I was truly exhausted. Inky held my arm to help me balance. We walked out to the living room. "Allison! Tom! You first..." I yawned. They jumped up and followed me and Inky to their room. I opened the door and their faces lit up. "Oh my gosh! Our very own room, Tom!" Allison exclaimed as she hugged Tom in excitement. Tom blushed and hugged her back. "Thank you guys so much..." He smiled. I nodded. "You're welcome!" I said.

Next was Sammy and Norman. I walked out to the living room again. "Sam, Norm! Your turn!" I said. They nodded and followed me and Inky. Inky opened their door this time. Sammy jumped up in excitement as he ran in to check everything out. Norman chuckled. "Thank you guys..." He said. I nodded. "Of course!" I said.

"Susie! Buddy! You next!" I said. They hopped up and ran to us. I opened up the door. "Oh my gosh! My bed is so pretty!" Susie exclaimed as she ran in and jumped onto it. Buddy ran in and looked at everything. "You guys are the best! Thank you!" Susie said. I smiled. "Yep! You're welcome!"

Last people were, Shawn, Wally, and Grant. "Shawn, Wally, Grant! Your turns!" I said. They all came to us and smiled. I opened the door and smiled. Wally ran in and Grant not that far behind. They flopped onto their new beds. Shawn and stepped in and smiled. He held out fist to Inky and me. We both fist bumped him. "Thanks guys...I really do owe you!"

"No! Not at all! This is my apology for leaving you guys there..." I said. Shawn smiled. "The you're forgiven to the moon and back, Hen..." Shawn said as he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. "Okay! Now go get some rest! You must be exhausted!" Shawn said. I nodded. "You too..." I mumbled as I walked off, Inky behind me.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now