Chapter 49- Last Ink Episode

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I jumped up and so did, Inky. "Wally, watch Bendy!" I said as I darted for Norman and Sammy's room. Inky followed behind me. I opened the door to see a horrid sight. Sammy was being sat up with the help of, Norman. Ink was washing down his neck, mouth, and nose. I sighed. "It's time?" I asked. Norman shrugged, clearly panicking. I wouldn't blame him. I walked over to him and sat on the end of the bed. Inky crawled next to Norman and comforted him as Sammy was dying.

I looked at my hands and smiled. "See Norman? I still have my blue ink! It'll be okay..." I said. Sammy stared at me, almost as if he was disagreeing. Negative thoughts were washing down on me as he stared into my eyes, pain filling them. "I..."

"What if it doesn't work? What if he's immune? What if he can't come back!" Norman cried. Sammy opened his mouth and was about to say something, but got cut off by coughing out ink. Norman pet his head.

I sighed and stared down at my hands. I could see a faint green color. "I-Inky? My ink has a green tint to it..." I mumbled. Inky crawled over to me and looked. "That's odd...maybe it's a new power?" They said. "Perhaps..."

Norman yelped as Sammy fell to his stomach, coughing still. "Cover him with a blanket...if it is his time...he needs to feel comfortable and protected..." I said. Norman nodded softly and did as told. I watched as Sammy stared at the bed, trying to hold on. "Don't fight it, know you can't win this...I'll bring you back...even if the ink doesn't work...I promise I will-"

"G-Green...Ink..." He gasped out. I stared at him then back at my hands. " know what this does? Will In a way?" Sammy weakly nodded then gasped for air. I watched as Norman comforted Sammy as he took his last breaths.

"Green ink...Inky...he knows something I don't...this new ink...the blue ink doesn't work on him...he disagreed to it...the green ink has got to be it...I...I need to find out how to use it!" I said. Inky agreed and sighed. "Go...Go find out how to work it...that ink is used for need to find out what for..." Norman mumbled. I sighed and nodded standing up. "Keep Sammy untouched by others...who knows what will happen otherwise..." I mumbled. Norman nodded and held his lifeless brother close to him. "He won't leave this room..." He said. I nodded and smiled. "Now let's go test out this ink..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now