Chapter 11- Sammy Lawrence

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Henry POV

Norman stared at me in confusion. Inky did as well. Bendy had fallen asleep in Inky's arms. "Human? Just how do you think your going to do that?" Inky asked. I sighed. "Easy! I'll just go into Joey's office, grab the Ink Machine guide, and then pour the ink onto them and then it should reverse it..." I explained. Inky looked unsure.

Norman's projector light brightened up as he started to panic. He screeched and looked around in fear. "Norman! Norman it's okay! What's wrong?" I asked as I placed a hand on his projector cheek. He grabbed my arm and threw me as he continued to panic.

Inky sighed. "You mentioned, Joey...he's scared of, Joey...." Inky explained. I looked at Norman who seemed to be crying and holding his head as he continued to panic. I sighed and walked up to him, placing my hands on both sides of his face. "Shhh...your safe...Joey won't get you as long as I'm here..." I said. He seemed to be calming down as he nodded. "Now let's go get...Sammy? I believe he's next." I looked at Inky. Inky nodded. "The others are going to be difficult..."


We reached the elevator, Norman came with us to hold, Bendy. Inky was going to help me with, Sammy. Inky pressed level...13? And we headed up one floor. The elevator stopped and I looked around. What a weird looking room. Bendy cutouts everywhere, ink splattered on the walls and floor. Writing on the wall...

I walked out of the elevator, the rest following behind me. I looked around for any signs of, Sammy. "Don't get freaked out if he grabs you...he's into...sheep? He's going to call you HIS sheep and try to sacrifice you to me-" Inky mumbled. I stared at him, concerned. "You'll be fine..." Inky said. I sighed and nodded.

I walked around and eventually saw a door. On it was the name, "Sammy Lawrence". He's got to be in here. "Here is your stop." Inky said as he patted my shoulder. I smiled nervously and laid a soft knock on the door. I could here an angered growl as there was footsteps. The door then opened revealing what seemed to be, Sammy. He was all inky. "Sammy? I um...I'm Hen-"

"I'm not dumb, I know you...your that...uhm...morons best friend..." Sammy mumbled. Inky stared at him. I sighed. "Sammy...I'm here to help set you free after all these years..." I said. Sammy stared at me and sighed. "Henry...there is no escaping from this place...the Angel set bounds with me and the leave your get erased..."

"I mean...he's not wrong...but I'm stronger then the like...yeah..." Inky mumbled. Sammy looked up at them and looked scared. "Sammy...I freakin swear...if you start your freakin whining to me...I will peacefully throw you across this studio." Inky said. Sammy gulped and nodded. I chuckled. "Okay! Come on! I know how to get you guys out, it will be a piece of cake!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now