Chapter 35- Finding Joey

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I smiled at Allison as we both walked up the stairs to the others. We reached to top and saw Norman and Tom, waiting. "Let's go kick the old mans butt..." Norman said with a growl. Tom agreed. Allison giggled. "Yeah...let's go..." I said as we all entered the elevator. "What level?" Allison asked. I thought for a moment, then remembered. "He killed Wally and Buddy on level 11 you said, right?" I asked. Tom and Allison nodded. "You already checked Susie's domain...we checked Norman's domain...that's means...he's at level P." I said as I pressed the level P. Norman stared at the elevator buttons. "Henry...there's gotta be another level...this is's definitely not going to obvious..." Norman said. I nodded. "Hmmm..."

I then lifted up a piece of metal that was on one of the elevator buttons. It read level "S". I pressed it with a smirk. "The bonus of working with, Joey..." I mumbled . Norman nodded.

The elevator stopped on the level S floor. It looked very worn down and creepy. We all got out and started to looked around. "HENRY! I FOUND A NOTE!" Allison exclaimed. I ran over to her and grabbed the note, reading it. I decided to read it out loud.

"Dear whoever is reading this-

I see you have found my "Secret" Level. That is was the letter S stands for on the elevator. Anyways...I'm guessing it's one of the demons friends? If you want to find your poor demons...then you're going to have to find me first!

Signed- Joey Drew~"


I jumped and so did everyone else. That bang gave me the chills. "We gotta find, Joey...quick!" I said as I started to walk. Everyone nodded and did the same. Allison and Tom stood at my sides, Norman in front of me. It was dark so his light was guiding us through the floor.

We stopped when we heard a laugh...a very sinister one. The lights suddenly flickered on, revealing the sinister man himself. "J-Joey..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now