Chapter 51- Back To The Studio...

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((EDITED 12/14/22))

Henry POV

Norman looked at me with a concerned face. "What do we do?" He asked. "I have to put you to sleep he said...this ink has the power to speak to dead people through minds...and to normal people, but that's not important!"

"You're not going to put me to sleep!" Norman growled. "Oh...I know I'm not...THEY are~" I said as Inky entered the room. "Pill?" They asked. I nodded. Inky teleported a pill into their hand and crawled towards, Norman. Norman screamed and tried to crawl away, but Inky grabbed his foot and pulled him against theirs chest. "You either take it willingly...or I forcefully shove it down your throat."

"Frick your throat!?" Norman growled. Inky hissed in satisfaction. "Hard way it is~ I always did love to see your pain~" Inky cooed as they pinned Norman to their chest and shoved the pill in his mouth. "Shallow or I will burn your brothers body and make up sure you never see him again."

Norman nodded repeatedly and did as told. Inky sighed and placed him down. "Cover up, we will be back tomorrow night..." I said. Norman sighed and nodded. "Oh! more thing!" He said. I turned around to face him, holding, Sammy. "Please bring him back unharmed..." He mumbled. I nodded and turned around to leave again.

I walked out of the room and saw Allison and Tom. "Can we come with you? We can be the guards! We can help you fight off ink Things!" Allison said. I was about to open my mouth a say "yes"...but I heard Sammy whisper "No" in the back of my head. I sighed and shook my head. "Sammy said for only me and Inky to do'll work better like me..." I said. They nodded.

I walked out to the car and placed Sammy in the back seat, buckling him so his body didn't get hurt. I hopped into the drivers seat and buckled as well. "Let's get going! Back to the studio..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now