Chapter 111- Bendy vs Audrey

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Bendy POV
I ran out past, Inky. I knew I wasn't supposed to, but he wasn't doing anything to help papa, I had to step in. I was the one who saved him last time.

I ran out to the living room, stopping at the end of the hall, keeping out of sight. I saw Tom and Allison talking in the kitchen. They looked stressed out. The others were no where in sight. I took in a deep breath and snuck towards the front door. I saw it was luckily cracked open a little. I reached my hands in the crack and slowly pulled it open. I looked out and widened my eyes. "Oh~! Who do we have here?" Purred a guy with black hair. I've never seen him before. Joey looked down at me. He smirked. "Get him."

And with that the guy charged at me. I started running away, only towards danger. I got stopped by something hitting my side. I fell to the ground and looked at my side. It was gold. I panted and whimpered looking around. I saw papa. He was unconscious on the ground. Sammy was gone. I couldn't see him anywhere. 'Where'd he go...?'

I got snapped out of my thoughts when a sudden burst of gold hit the wall beside me. I shot my head up to see a girl. She had gold eyes and golden ink on her hands/arms. I whimpered, backing away. I had tears in the corners of my eyes. The girl stepped closer to me, her hands ready to blast ink at me. She sent off another burst that hit the wall. That made me break down crying.

Audrey POV

I watched the little demon back away. I blast the wall with my ink again as a threat, though it didn't go as planned. The demon started crying, holding out his hand to try and defend himself. I felt my heart sink as I watched him. Why was I doing this? Why did father want this poor thing?

I sighed and walked closer, kneeling down. I held out my hand. "Hey little guy..." I mumbled, trying to do a little small talk. The demon looked to me, hesitantly. "It's okay...I won't hurt you..." I smiled. He whimpered and nodded slowly, reaching out his hand to mine. I grab his hand and smiled. That smile soon faded when my gold ink zapped him. I yanked my hand back and widened my eyes. "Oh my- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

The demon looked to me, tears running down his face. He held onto his hand crying. I sighed and stood up. I then heard growling from behind me. I hesitantly turned around to be faced with a tall inky creature. It looked like that tiny demon, but taller, and more inky.

I whimpered and backed away. "Listen, Audrey. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to step away from my brother. Then you're going to go to your dad and free my *bleeping* mate. Got it?" They growled. I whimpered and nodded rapidly.

I ran over to my father and hesitantly tapped his shoulder. Joey looked up to me. "What? Did you get him yet?" He asked, standing up, his foot still on Henry's back. I sighed and shook my head. "I...I can't do it..."

I was then met with a slap across my face. I was shocked. He never did this before. I felt like crying, but was to scared to do so. I looked back to him. Joey growled. "Gosh...WHAT ARE YOU USEFUL FOR!? You're nothing but a disappointment! A mistake!" Joey shouted. I widened my eyes. I felt my heart break into two. I looked to the ground. I felt this urge. This urge to switch sides. These guys seemed nicer then my father. Maybe...maybe I could?

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now