Chapter 15- Inky Loves Someone

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((EDITED 12/11/22))

Inky POV

I purred as Henry fell asleep in my arms. "Awe! What a lovely couple~" Norman cooed. I blushed intensely and hissed at him. "S-Shut up! I don't like him! He's...uhm..."

"What? He's your...boyfriend?" Norman teased. I growled at him. "Come on, Inky! I know you well enough to know you love him! How long has it been since your feelings showed up?" Norman asked as he pulled out a pen and paper. I stared at him, concerned. "You don't need to know that..." I mumbled. Norman rolled his eyes. "How come your not human?"

"I don't have a soul, I was born like this. Though Joey did give me ability to turn into human, I just don't want to right now..." I explained. Norman nodded as he sat down next to me. "When do you think you will make your first move?" He asked. I sighed. "You never give you?"

"Nope! Now tell me!" Norman said. I groaned. "I don't's still a bit awkward...I mean...he's like a fatherly figure!"

"A fatherly figure...who cuddles on you like your and only~" Norman teased once again. I growled and slapped him in the back of the head. He whined, earning Sammy to come over here. Sammy glared at me as he checked on his older brother. "What did you do to him?" Sammy asked me. I huffed. "He was bothering me!"

"He slapped me!" Norman whined. Sammy smacked my arm and took Norman away. I sighed and laid my head on Henry's. "I hope to earn enough gut to confess one day..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now