Chapter 116- Deciding

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Henry POV
I made my way to, Tom's and Allison's room. I laid a soft knock on the door and waiting. "Come in!" Said a voice from the other side. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me. Thomas looked over to me. "Oh! Hey, Henry. What's up?" He asked, being a bit more alert. I sighed. "Well, do I put this...?" I started. Tom raised a brow. "Audrey brought up a temping idea and I need your guy's opinion..." I explained. Tom and Allison payed all attention to me. "Go ahead." Allison said. I nodded. "Well...she's brought up we don't look comfortable in this house with how many people live here, which we don't. She's also brought up with her moving in, we don't have enough space anymore. And with you guys having a baby soon, I figured we need more space."

"Fair point...what are you thinking we should do?" Allison asked. I sighed. "Audrey already told me a place we can stay. It's a bit risky, but it's big and comfortable. And I don't have enough money to spend on a new house." I mumbled. They both exchanged looks. "Where exactly?" Tom asked, curious. "Joey built another studio not far from the one you came from. I know, like I said; it's risky considering Joey possibly coming back, plus us being closer to his domain. But she said there is room for everyone, plus fun activities rather then staying here all the time."

Thomas and Allison looked at each other, then back to me. "It is risky. Though it's also a good idea because of the baby coming in a few months." He said. Allison nodded in agreement. "Though I would get, Inky's approval first." Allison mentioned. I nodded. "I will do that, I'll let you know." And with that I walked out.

I walked to mine and Inky's room. I walked in and saw them hanging off the bed. "Inky." I started. They looked to me. "Sup." They purred. I sighed. "I need your opinion..." I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed. Inky sat up send beside me. "Yes?"

-After Explaining Cause I'm Lazy-

Inky stared at me. "'s a good do you feel about it?" They asked. I sighed. "I...feel like it'll be good for us...less stress of my shoulders..." I mumbled. Inky smiled, turning human. "Then go talk to, Audrey again, make things final." I smiled, nodding. "Okay." Then I left.

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