Chapter 8- Nightmare

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((EDITED 12/10/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I picked up sleeping, Bendy. I walked to my room and set him down on my bed. "Inky! Can you watch Bendy while I take a shower!" I shouted. Inky shouted back with a "yes" before appearing from my wall. I grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom.

-After Shower-

I finished drying my hair as I brushed my teeth. I sighed as I left the bathroom after finishing. Tonight was the first night without, Linda... I know I should really get over it...but it's hard...

I walked into my room and saw Inky playing with Bendy. I smiled and walked over to my bed. "Okay's time for bed..." I said. Bendy groaned. "Aweee! But, Henry!"

"No buts, Bendy...come up here, you need some do you, Inky." I said. Inky nodded and stood up, walking through the wall to get to their room. Bendy crawled up onto the bed and snuggled with me as I turned the lamp off, covering us both with a blanket.

Inky POV
I ran and ran towards what I thought was an exit. Joey was chasing me through out the Studio. He already killed Bendy and Henry. I cried as I got stuck in a dead end. No escape. No help. No one...

I gave up and fell onto my knees, trembling with fear as Joey hovered over me. He had a knife in one hand and a tape in the other. It read "The End". I knew what that thing could do, it could kill me and everyone in this studio. I whimpered as he walked over to a tape player. I couldn't move or talk. My body was shutting down. He entered The End tape in and then everything went black.


I gasped as I jolted up from my bed. I looked around and saw I was back in my room. I whimpered as I hugged my knees. "Damn it, Joey..." I mumbled. "Why did you have to cause so much trauma?" I mumbled as I started to cry. Ink rapidly falling from my face.

"I...I need, Henry..." I whimpered as I stood up, trembling with fear as I walked through my wall, entering Henry's room. He was fast asleep with Bendy cuddling him. "I shouldn't be here...I belong in the studio..." I mumbled under my breath so only I could hear. Not that they could hear anyways. They were asleep.

I whimpered as I was now standing over Henry's bedside. I heard him yawn and he kind a opened his eyes. "I-Inky? What's wrong?" He asked, still half asleep. I play with my hands nervously. "I-I...uhm...I had a...nightmare..." I mumbled. Henry chuckled and smiled. "'s okay...I get nightmares need to be embarrassed about it." Henry said. I stared at him as he sat up. He scooted over, he did have a big bed so yeah.

Henry patted the bedside next to him. "Here, sleep with me and Bendy tonight." He said as he laid back down. I looked at him in worry. "But what if I stain your sheets and all that with my ink?" I asked. "Pfft, it's fine! I need to get new bedding anyways." Henry chuckled. I nodded and sat down on the bedside he told me to.

I laid down and purred. "Thanks, Hen..." I mumbled. Henry smiled and pet my head. "You're welcome you little ink get some sleep, we have work to do tomorrow."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now