Chapter 20- A Little Chit Chat

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Henry POV

I groaned as my alarm went off. I could hear somebody quickly turn it off. I felt cold and wet substance on my chest/side. I opened my eyes slightly to see... "Inky?" I mumbled. Inky looked down at me. I was snuggled up in their chest. Their arms were wrapped tightly around me. "H-Hey, Henry! I figured I would sleep with you since...Uh..." Inky stuttered, not really sure what to say. I smiled. "It's okay, Inky!"

Inky purred and sat up, me still on him. "Breakfast?" They asked. I smiled. "You hungry?" I asked. They nodded, Embarrassed. I chuckled. "Okay you little Devil~ I'll go make breakfast!" I said as I stood up, walking into the kitchen. Inky followed me and sat on the couch. It was surprisingly quiet. I guess they did have their own rooms now.

I sighed as I begun to make a famous recipe I knew by heart. Bacon Soup.


I set down the bowls on the table for everyone to eat when they got up, even Bendy. I took mine and Inky's bowls and took them out to the living room. I sat down next to a Inky and handed them their bowl. They happily took it.

After Breakfast
Inky POV

I sighed as I sat on my bed. I was thinking about how this? I liked Henry...Loved him! would be...impossible...I am just

I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed. "Come in!" I said. Then in came, Norman. Of course it had to be him...of all people at this current moment...

I stared at him in annoyance. He stared at me in complete innocence. "'s it going?" He asked. I tilted my head. "With...?"

"With you and Henry of course! Have you thought of a way to confess yet?" He asked. I groaned and shook my head. "No! And I'm not going to...I am just a monstrous demon! He would never love me like that..." I mumbled. Norman sighed and sat down on the other side of my bed. "Y'know...Tom was the same way..."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Norman smiled. "He would whine to me about not knowing how to confess to, Allison...not knowing if she would love him back...but...she did in the end!" Norman explained. I sighed. " did he confess to her? What did he do?" I asked. Norman smirked. "You see...everyone is different! Tom used Flowers for, Allison! Use something...unique! For Henry! of those flames you use to make?"

"N-No! That's dangerous! I might..."

"You won't hurt him! Just use this candle and set a black flame on it!" Norman said as he handed me a candle. "W-What if he doesn't like it! What if-"

"Shush! Your thinking to much negative need to breath..." Norman said. I sighed and nodded. "I...I just want it to be simple..." I admitted. Norman nodded. "Then confess how YOUR comfortable with!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now