Chapter 72- Pink Ink?!

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Henry POV

I yawned as I sat up. I stretched out my arms and groaned. Inky stared up at me as they laid down on the bed. "What are you doing?" They asked. I shrugged. "I was thinking on taking a shower..." I mumbled. Inky purred and crawled over to me, placing their inky head in my lap. I smiled and pet them. "You might help you with your stress and stuff..." Inky purred. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah...I guess you're right..."

"Of course I am~!" Inky purred as they smirked up at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed them off. I stood up off of the bed and walked to my closet. "I'll go ask, Tom to make, Breakfast!" Inky said as they jolted up and ran out of the room. I snickered and grabbed my clothes before walking to the bathroom.

Half way through the bath

I hummed a song that crossed my mind as I started to rinse the soup out of my hair. 'Heh, I guess Inky was right...this is relaxing...'

I soon got dragged out of my thoughts by a horrible headache. I clenched both sides of my head and groaned. "Ow...I guess I jinxed it..." I hissed in pain. I felt a liquid feeling coming from my nose. I wiped the feeling just assuming it was water, but widened my eyes to see it was blood. I looked down to see more blood.

Panic washed over me as I closed my eyes, thinking it was just my eyes playing tricks in me. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head as I fell to my knees, clenching both sides of my head. I let out a scream as I saw some sort of...Vision...

Inky ran into the bathroom in their human form and rush over to me. "HENRY?! What happened? Are you okay!?" They asked, panicked as they stared down at me. I clenched my eyes closed and took a deep breath. "H-Henry? W-Why do you strains of ink?"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now