Chapter 4- Cheater!

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((EDITED 12/10/22))

-Trigger warning! Yelling/fighting!-

Henry POV
I hummed as I drove on the road. I was about 2 minutes away from home. I was excited to see my wife again, I didn't text her I was coming back yet because I wanted to surprise her.

I smiled as I pulled into the driveway. I turned off my car as I hopped out. Inky did as well, they were hidden so no one could see them. "Thanks to my super duper camouflage powers! I shall be hidden!" Inky says. I snorted and let out a laughed as I unbuckled, Bendy, holding him in my arms as he slept.

"Okay! Let's go inside!" I said as I walked into my house only to regret it instantly. Instead of my wife peacefully waiting at home, doing things she normally does, I found her with...another man?

I growled and slammed the door close. I could hear her mumbled something under her breath. " *Bleep*! What the hell!?" I shouted. She sighed had stood up, facing me. "Henry! I swear! It's not what it looks like!" She said, I slammed my fist on the wall, making Bendy flinch. "YOU FREAKIN CHEATED ON ME BEHIND MY BACK!? YOU PEICE OF *BLEEP*!?" I shouted at her. She sighed, "yes...I did...but-"

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up! Get out of MY house with your new boyfriend!?" I growled. She whimpered. "B-But! Henry!"

"I SAID GET OUT!?" I yelled. She growled as she and her "boyfriend" walked out. Inky sighed as their camouflage faded. They hugged me as I cried into their chest. "I'm so sorry, shouldn't have to go through this hell...not after what you did for me and Bendy..." Inky mumbled. I smiled as I hugged them with one arm, the other one holding Bendy close to me. "It's fine...she was a cheater I can have this whole house to mess with! I can make you guys rooms and repainted the whole house if I want to!"

Inky smiled. "Don't stress and overwork yourself, Henry..." They said. "I won't!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now