Chapter 92- Pancakes!

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((EDITED 12/16/22))
Tomas POV

I yawned and sat up, stretching out my arms. Allison rolled over to face me. "Tom? What are you doing?" She asked. I smiled at her. "It's morning, I'm giving Henry a break so I'm going to make breakfast." I explained. She nodded. "Okay...I'll just lay here..."

"You want pancakes? I can bring you some." I said. She yawned. "Maybe like...three?"

"Your wish is my command!" I winked. She blushed, rolling her eyes. I snickered and stood up. "We need to set you up a doctors appointment. Y'know, to get the baby checked on." I explained. She nodded. "I'll talk to Henry about it...for now, go make some food, the baby's hungry!"

I nodded and turned around, walking out to the kitchen. I opened the pantry doors and grabbed the pancake mix. I set it on the counter and grabbed a measuring cup. I started pouring the mix into the big bowl I grabbed. Then I put the water in and mixed it.

I hummed an old tune as I started to fry the pancakes. I heard a bedroom door open as I flipped one. "Tommy?" Asked Shawn as he walked out. "Don't call me that." I growled. Shawn rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He spat.

I sighed and continued to make the pancakes.
Once I finished, everyone but Allison, Inky, and Henry were out here. I smiled as I handed out plates of pancakes. The toons looked at them curiously. "What are these?" Asked Alice. I smiled. "These are pancakes, just try it!" I said, watching as they each took a bite. Boris's eyes lit up as he devoured the pancake whole. I snickered. Both Bendy and Alice kept eating them, so I'm guessing they as well loved them.

I smiled and grabbed Allison's plate. I took it to our room. "Allison hunny." I said. She looked up at me. "Foods done!" I said. She smiled and sat up, reaching out for it. I handed her the plate. "Thank you dear!" She said. I smiled. "Of course!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now