Chapter 117- The Final Decision

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Henry POV
I walked out to the living room and saw, Audrey sitting on the couch. I walked over to her, sitting down beside her. "Made your decision?" She asked. I nodded. "Though I Wanna know more..."

"What do you mean? More about what?" She asked, raising a brow. "I want to know...who else lives there, and what's by the area." I said. Audrey sighed, nodding. "There was...other workers who live there...they are all mostly nice...the mean ones are in containment. Some of them are not kid people, some of them are. Some even act like children. And what's by the old job...The Arch Gates...don't go there, that's's too worn down and is few of workers." She explained. I nodded. "That's good enough..."

"Your decision?" She asked. I nodded. "I've talked to some people, we are okay going. Though I don't want to sell this place, it's a worst case scenario in case this thing backfires..." I explained. Audrey nodded. "Get the moving truck ordered. We will move the stuff to the studio." She said. I nodded. "Got it."

-When He Gets The Moving Truck (later in the day)-

I sighed as I parked the truck in the driveway, opening the back of it. They already started to bring stuff out and throw it in. I laid back in the seat and thought. "Boy, I really hope this makes things calm down a bit..." I smiled. I looked at my phone and scrolled through it. I then stopped when I noticed a drop of ink drip on it. My ink never dripped, I turned on the camera and looked at my face, it looked normal, no ink dripping. "That's....weird..." I mumbled. I didn't think anything of it. Inky then hopped into the truck. "Audrey is guiding, Tom in your car. We'll follow behind." They explained. I nodded. The car started to pull out of the driveway, so did I. We then started to drive off. "Time for a new beginning!"

"He's Watching."

I just wanted to say, thank you for all the support! This book was fun to make over the past year! It brought drama, happiness, and a lot more feelings that books bring. I am working on book 2! It'll be out soon, pls be sure to motivate me by writing feedbacks on this and book 2! I love you all! See you in book 2!

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now