Chapter 96- Telling Henry

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Inky POV

I yawned as I sat up. Henry was still out cold. 'He really needed a rest...' I thought, smiling to myself.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened. I looked over and saw, Susie. "Need something?" I asked. She nodded, fear in her eyes as she walked in, closing the door behind her. "What is it?"

"I need to talk to, Henry." She said, panicked. I looked over to Henry, then back to her. "That won't be possible."

"It's important." She said. "What's so important?" I asked, raising my brow. I was in my human form, because it's more comfortable. "Somethings wrong with, Sammy! I need to speak with, Henry!" Susie insisted. I sighed, nodding as I looked at, Henry. I then shook him aggressively. He shot up and glared at me. "What?" He asked, annoyed. "Susie needs to speak to you." I mumbled.

Henry looked over to Susie, confused. "Yes?"

"Something is wrong with, Sammy...he was Uhm...acting weird, and then he sat down."

"How's that weird?" I asked. "I didn't get to finish!" Susie growled. I rolled my eyes. Henry signaled her to continue. "Anyways...he looked worried, scared even. I asked him what was wrong, but all he said was "Orange". I didn't think anything of it, I thought he was hallucinating, so I told him to rest his eyes for a few seconds. And when he did...his hair started raising, and a pencil started to float. It was like psychic powers!" Susie exclaimed. Henry stood up, concern in his face. "That's...odd..."

"Oh! And that's not even the worst part! He had orange ink! The ink look like yours, but orange! Then it just...disappeared..." Susie mumbled. Henry widened his eyes. "Where is he now? Who is he with?" Henry asked, concerned. "He's with the toons in my room."

Henry then ran off to Susie's room.

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now