Chapter 33- The Plan (1)

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Norman (Projectionist) POV

I let out a static cry as I held Sammy close to me. 'He can't die...not now...not ever...I...I still need him...' I felt Henry place a hand on my shoulder. In all honesty, it kinda hurt due to his, Golden Ink. I sighed. Henry sat on his knees next to me. "I'll find a way to save him...don't worry..." He said with a smiled. I huffed. " really shouldn't make promises you can't keep..."

"...I can promise you that nobody is going to die...I won't let them...I...maybe this Golden Ink has more powers then turning you guys human..." He mumbled. "You can only hope..."

"Gosh...Norman! Think of the positives!"

"THERE ARE NONE! I CAN THINK ABOUT THEM ALL I WANT! BUT UNTILL IT HAPPENS, I'M NOT GOING TO BE HAPPY!?" I growled. Henry stared at me in shock. I sighed stood up, still holding, Sammy. "Just...Leave me alone..."

Henry POV
I sighed as Norman left with, Sammy. 'I really need to learn more about this ink...'

I jolted up when I heard my name being called. It sounded like, Allison. I ran out of the cavern to see Allison and Tom. But there was also a gruesome sight. "HENRY!? THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" Allison exclaimed. I ran over to them, seeing it more clearly. Wally...shot in the head...Buddy...stabbed in the stomach... I gasped. "W-Who did this!?" I asked. Allison shrugged. Tom sighed and set them down on the stairs, turning into his human form. "Joey had to of done this..." He mumbled. "That's not his only victims...if it's Joey doing this...he must've made the pipes weak in my domain...he planned all of this..." Norman explained.

I sighed. "He has a plan...and we need to work as a team not to fall for-"

"No! That's what he wants us to do! If we split up...then it'll be harder to find all of us at once!" Allison said. "Yeah! But if we split up, then it's going to be easier to kill us! We need you and Tom for defense...Norman for the blinding and his screech...and I can use my Golden Ink for...something...I'm still trying to figure out what this power can do..." I explained. Allison nodded. "I guess that makes more sense..." She mumbled. Tom sighed. "What do we do with Wally and Buddy?"

"We leave them here...I'll find a way to revive them...we will come back for them when the time is right...but first...we need to teach Joey a lesson..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now