Chapter 18- Setting up rooms

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((EDITED 12/12/22))

Inky POV

I groaned as I got the last of Allison's and Toms stuff into their room. We were doing their room first. Henry took the box with the queen size bed frame and poured out all the pieces. I watched as he read the instructions and begun to build. "Inky! While I do this, can you work on the bookcases?" Henry asked. I nodded and grabbed one, waking over to a corner to work on it.

2 hours go by, Henry was helping me build the last one. He had already built the frame and the dresser while I had already built the other 3 bookcases.

We worked together to put the bookcases in neat spots of the room. I lifted the queen bed mattress and placed it onto the bed frame. Henry started to make the bed snd place the rugs on the ground as I set of the tv and Xbox.

We finally finished with only their room. I sighed as we walked back out to the moving truck. "Now the next big room! Sammy and Norman's..." Henry mumbled. I nodded as I grabbed the other mattress that was queen and the frame. Henry grabbed the bedding sets and rugs.

Again...2 hours later...we were running out of time...2 more rooms to go! I groaned as we got Susie's and Buddy's stuff next. I placed the stuff in their room and sighed. "We need them to'll go so much faster!" I said. Henry shook his head. "No! It has to be a surprise!" He said. I sighed. "Fine..."

2 more hours passed by...only one more room to go...

I grabbed the stuff and begun to build the bookcases. 6 for this room...

Henry looked really tired as he stared at the ground. I sighed. " good?" I asked. He nodded and begun to work on the frames.

Finally done after 3-4 hours

I sighed as the job was finally done. Henry looked so exhausted as he struggled to stand, he was trembling so much. I stood up and grabbed him by the arm. He collapsed into my arms. I picked him up and wiped the sweat off his head. "I'm proud of you for pushing through did great!" I said. He smiled and nodded as he yawned. "Now all we have to do is show them their rooms!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now