Chapter 56- Tempted Revenge (1)

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((EDITED 12/14/22))


(This is going to very gory to a point! Blood and knives! There will be more then more parts to this chapter, that's how intense it is-)

Henry POV
I smiled as I laid in bed, Inky doing the same. Bendy was already fast asleep in his crib. I sighed and smiled. "It's been a long week..." I chuckled. Inky nodded. "Sure has...let's get some sleep! It's probably going to be a long day tomorrow as well..."

"Yep! Goodnight, Inky darling!" I said as I gently kissed them. Inky nodded. "Night, Hen..."

Inky POV

I sighed in relief as Henry finally went to sleep. I sat up and got out of bed. 'Now was my time to shine~! Revenge is awaiting you, old pal~'

I walked out to the kitchen and opened drawer after drawer until I finally came across the one I wanted. It had knives of all sizes in it. I grabbed the biggest one and slammed the drawer shut.

Sammy POV

I jolted awake as I heard a huge bang. I got out my bed gently, trying not to awaken, Norman. I snuck to my bedroom door and opened it slightly, peaking out. I widened my eyes as I saw, Inky in the kitchen with a huge knife. I held in a scream as I ran over to, Norman. "Norman! Norman! Wake up!" I whisper-yelled as I shook him. He groaned and stared at me. "What?"

"I was right!'s Joey! He has a knife! A big one! He's going to kill, Henry!" I cried. Norman widened his eyes and got out of bed. "Show me." He said. I nodded and walked over to the door. I peaked out, but Inky was now gone. "I...I swear he was right there!"

"Shh...I believe you...he's gotta be around here s-" Norman got cut off by a huge knife coming down at him. It sliced his eye and shoulder as he fell to the ground. I of course screamed at the top of my lungs. Joey (inky) stared down at me. "Shut up!" He growled as he put the knife to my throat. I whimpered and stared at him. "Joey...W-We can talk about this!"

I yelped as he placed the knife deeper into my neck, cutting my skin open a bit. I blinked tears away as Norman stayed silent. Norman stood up and stared at me. I closed my eyes in fear.

Suddenly I heard a screech. It sounded like Norman's projectionist form. I was right. He charged at Joey, his light blinding him. Joey growled and stabbed the knife into the projector light. Norman let out a painful squeal. I backed away, trying not to get any of us in anymore trouble.

Joey then stood up, grabbed Norman by the projector head. I closed my eyes as he painfully ripped it out. Norman then turned into his human form again.

Third Person POV  (yes, it's that intense, even Sammy's POV can't explain it.)

(Gore warning-)
Norman backed away, fear in his eyes as Joey cornered him against the wall. Joey lifted up the projector and stared at, Norman. "J-Joey...please have mercy..." He mumbled. Joey grinned and shook his head. "No mercy..." He mumbled as he chucked the projector at Norman. Norman screamed as he fell over to his side, holding his now broken nose.

Joey stared down at him and grabbed the knife again. "Hmm...I think I'll save this for later...let's try something...more painful ~" He mumbled. Norman cried out as Joey grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up onto his feet. He turned Norman around so he was facing the wall and grabbed ahold of his head. "Try not to scream~"

Before Norman could say anything, Joey slammed his face into the wall. Norman cried out and tried to stop him, but he was to strong and powerful in Inky's body. Joey repeatedly slammed his face over and over again into the wall. He stopped finally and dropped, Norman.

Norman was crying, clenching his fist. His nose was severely damaged and clearly broken. Blood was splattered all over the wall as well at on the floor. His face was bruised up in purple and black bruises.

Sammy whimpered as he hid underneath the bed in his room. Joey was searching for him now. "J-Joey! L-Leave h-Him...a-lon-e..." Norman choked out as blood dripped down his face. Joey stared at him and walked toward him. "You want more? Hmm?"

"As l-long as it me-ans y-you'll leave him a-alone..." Norman mumbled. Joey laughed. "Oh...of course~" He said as he clenched the knife in his hands, holding it over, Norman. Sammy was really the only one who need to be careful. He was the one who was immune to the blue ink.

Norman groaned in pain as he laid on the floor, ready to let Joey end him. When suddenly...Sammy ran out of the room. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!?"

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