Chapter 44- Devilish Kiss

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

Henry POV

I smiled as I pulled into the driveway. I turned off the engine and hopped out of the car. I opened the side doors and let the others come out before closing them back up. Everyone went inside. Icould tell Sammy was still struggling to move, he was limping and leaning onto Norman for support.

I sighed and locked my car, walking into the house. I saw Norman and Sammy disappear in their room. Allison and Tom did as well. So did Wally and Buddy. Susie hugged me and greeted me. "HENRY! Oh gosh- why is there blue ink?" She asked. I smiled. "It's an ink I received! It can bring people back from the dead!" I explained. She smiled. "That's so cool!" She said.

I yawned. "You should get to bed...We all need sleep..." I smiled. She nodded and walked to her room. I walked into the kitchen to get a snack. I haven't eaten in two or three days. I smiled as I ate a small snack.

Suddenly I felt the atmosphere change. I felt a cold wet hand on my shoulder and yelped. "Heheh...relax, Doll~ it's just me!" Inky said in a flirty tone. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I mumbled.

Inky then turned me around to face them. I blushed slightly and refused to look at him. "Awe! Come one! I haven't had a kiss in so long!" They whined. I rolled my eyes. "It's only been a few days..." I mumbled. They huffed. "But I love you..."

"So do I...but I'm really tired, Inky..." I said with a smile as I pet them. They purred and placed their hand on my chin, making me look up at him. I blushed and tried to fight him out of embarrassment. "Hen~ everyone's asleep! Who's going to even see us kiss?" They asked. I huffed and shrugged. They then groaned and kissed me on the lips. I smiled and kissed them back.

After a while we separated. "Come on, Doll~ let's go to sleep."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now