Chapter 61- Reviving The Dead

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((EDITED 12/15/22))

Henry POV

I sighed as I stood up, Inky doing the same. "I should really go and revive the others real quick..." I mumbled. Inky nodded and walked over to the door, opening it for me. "We will stay in here so it's not overwhelming." Inky said. I nodded and walked out to the living room.

I decided to revive Tom first, just in case I can't revive all of, Norman. I noticed he had a really damaged leg, so it's probably going to be a while til he gains strength to walk on it again.

I got onto my knees and place my hands on, Tom, closing my eyes. I jolted back when a hand grabbed my arm. I opened my eyes to see it was, Tom. "Hey, Hen..." He mumbled. I smiled. "Hey, Tom..."

"Is Joey gone?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah...Bendy delt with him...oh! And could you help Norman to his'~ room after I revive him, he might have some leg trauma after this." I said. Tom nodded and stood up, helping me up.

I walked over to Norman and got onto my knees. I placed my hands on him and closed my eyes. I took them off when I heard, coughing. I opened my eyes to see him trying to sit himself up, but he fell right back down. "Okay...note to self, that I can't heal your broken bones..." I mumbled. Norman huffed and glared at me. "Ya think?" He growled. I rolled my eyes. "Hey! Be happy I helped you! Your brother needs you...I'll have Tom help him to the room as soon as you're in there."

"Whatever..." Norman sighed. I signaled for Tom to come over. Tom nodded and walked over to, Norman, picking him up. Norman groaned and looked away from me, looked towards, Tom. Tom of course huffed and carried him to his room.

I sighed. "I'll go check the others..." I Mumbled.


I found Susie hiding under the kitchen table. I found Buddy, dead. So I healed him. The other three, Wally, Shawn, and Grant, we're all unharmed. I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked over to Inky and widened my eyes. "Wait! If Joey was possessing you since we got home...then that means....EW! I KISSED AN OLD CRUSTY MAN!?" I shouted in disgust as Inky laughed. "Yeah...that was really awkward..." Inky mumbled. I smiled and chuckled. "Agreed..."

Inky sighed. "Well...since he's gone...we could like...kiss for real now?" Inky purred, pouncing onto me, pinning me to the bed. "Ah!" I screamed. Inky snickered and laid a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and kissed them back.


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