Chapter 52- Revived

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((EDITED 12/14/22))

Henry POV

I pulled into the driveway of the studio and turned off my car. I sighed and opened my door, stepping out. Inky did the same as they then grabbed, Sammy. I walked into the studio, Inky behind me. I walked towards the elevator, stepping inside. "Which floor was it again?" I asked. "He moved the Ink a machine to level S." Inky said. I nodded and pressed level S.

The elevator went up then came to a complete stop. I stepped out with Inky behind me. "Lead the way." I said. Inky nodded and started leading me to the ink machine. We stopped at a huge door. I sighed and opened it. Inside was the roaring machine itself.

I sighed and walked over to the machine. "He said to place him 6 feet away from the machine." I said. Inky nodded and did as told. I gave him the signal to back away then walked over to the lever. I pulled it down and ink started pouring from the machine.

I watched as the ink flooded over towards, Sammy. I jolted when I heard him cough. He then opened his eyes slightly and repeatedly coughed, over and over again.

Inky walked over to him to help him up as I turned off the machine. "Inky! Wait! He doesn't have his memories yet!" I shouted. Inky looked at me and tilted their head. "You have to fight him in order to get back his memory!"

"How much?"

"Until he falls to the ground..." I mumbled. Inky nodded and picked Sammy up. Sammy tried fighting back by screaming, biting, and kicking. I sighed as I watched Inky slam his head into the wall. They did it over and over again until Sammy finally stopped fighting. Inky threw him to the ground and placed their foot on his side. "Inky! That's enough! Your going to kill him again!" I said. Inky nodded and backed away from him.

I sighed and walked over to him, kneeling down. "Sammy...?"

"H-Henry...I...I need, Norman..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now