Chapter 93- Morning Sickness

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Tw- Vomiting?

Allison POV
I smiled as I snuggled into Tom's chest. "Your pancakes were delicious like always~" I mumbled, happily. Tomas smiled and pet my hair. "I'm glad you liked them. How's the baby doing? Is it showing any signs of movement yet?"

"Tom darling. It's only been a few months, 2 or 3? It's still way to early." I mumbled. He sighed. "I know...I's just so hard waiting!" He groaned. I smiled. "Hey, we still have to figure out names, find out the gender, then get baby supplies. It'll be fun!" I said. Tomas smiled and nodded. "Of course hunny."

I suddenly felt really nauseous. I sat up, my stomach aching. Tom stared at me, his brow raising in confusion. "You good?" He asked. I was about to speak when suddenly I felt the urge to vomit.

I shot up and ran to the bathroom. Tom followed behind, worried. I stopped at the toilet. Tom sighed, pulling my hair up as I got sick. He pat my back as I soon stopped. I groaned. "Shh...I'm here..." He cooed. I smiled and stood up, weakly. Tomas picked me up and cradled me in his arms. "I shall carry you to your destination princess!" He said as he flushed the toilet. I giggled.

Tom then ran me to the room and set me down on the bed. He sat down next to me, placing a blanket over me. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. "I love you, Tom..." I yawned. He smiled. "I love you too, hunny."

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