Chapter 94- Rapunzel

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Norman POV

I sighed as I sat on the couch, Sammy beside me. He was playing candy crush on his phone. I smiled. Susie then ran out of her room. "SAMMY!" She screeched, making Sammy jump. He glared at her. "What." He growled. "We are playing dress up! Come on! Now!" She insisted. Sammy shook his head and went back to his phone.

Alice and Boris then ran out. "Sammy! Please! we need you to be the princess!" Alice whined. "Why am I always a girl in your games!" Sammy protested. "Because you have long hair! You can be, Rapunzel!" She said. I snickered. Sammy just rolled his eyes. "Under one condition."

"And that is?" Asked, Susie. "I get a 24hr break from ANY of you." Sammy said. The three nodded and ran to Susie's room. Sammy groaned, standing up. "Wish me luck..." He mumbled before walking off into Susie's room.

I smiled and laid my head back.

Susie POV
I snickered and smiled as I saw Sammy in a dress. "I hate you." He growled. Alice and Bendy were dying laughing on the floor. "Okay, okay. Now get on the bookcase! That's the tower!"

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Sammy asked. "CLIMB IT DUMMY!" I shouted, laughing. Sammy rolled his eyes and climbed the bookcase. "I feel like this is going to break-"

"Shush! You'll be fine! Now prince Bendy, go do your famous line!" I ordered. Bendy nodded and ran to the bookcase. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

"My hair is not that long thank you very much!" Sammy snapped. I rolled my eyes. "Pretend idiot!" I spat. He rolled his eyes. "Ah, yes my "marvelous" prince, I shall totally throw my hair down into your face and you'll climb it, ripping it out of my freakin scalp." Sammy said in a girly voice. Alice snickered. I glared at, Sammy.

Bendy then pretended to climb the hair. He climbed up the book case and sat next to, Sammy. "If Henry finds out-"

"Shhh...He's not going to...right?" I asked in a growl. Sammy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever." He spat. I sighed. "Now kiss!" Alice said. I then fell down laughing. "OH HELL NO! I AM NOT AND I REPEAT NOT KISSING THIS THING!"

"Come on! You used to worship him!" I pointed out. "THAT'S DIFFERENT! I HAD TO!?" Sammy shouted in anger. I snickered. "Mhm, sure."

"And for your information, I worshipped, Inky. Not, Bendy." Sammy huffed. I smirked. "Yeah, whatever, Rapunzel."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now