Chapter 87- Fatherly Love

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((EDITED 12/16/22))

Bendy POV

I stared up at Henry. He had killed almost everyone. I was terrified. "STOP IT!? LEAVE THEM ALONE!?" I shouted, fear in my voice. Henry turned around to face me. He stared down at me, his red ink dripping from his body. "Papa! Snap out of it! You are killing everyone!" I whined. Henry walked over to me, leaning down. "I'm not your papa~ I'm your worst nightmare~" He purred.

I whimpered, tears falling down my face. "E-Ever since you got the blue has been living but a living nightmare for all of us! First Sammy got ink poisoned. Then Joey took over, Inky. And now...the red ink took you over! I just want a break! This is so overwhelming!? I'm scared!"

Henry widened his eyes, staring down at me.

Henry POV
I was watching this whole thing. Everyone's death. I thought Bendy was somewhere more safer. "I don't want to see him die! Ugh!?" I shouted in frustration. I felt tears roll down my face. The red ink walked closer to Bendy, leaning down to him. I couldn't hear their conversation clearly. But I could hear one thing... "I'm scared!" Bendy cried.

I widened my eyes, gritting my teeth as I clenched my fist. "No one...EVER scares my son!?" I growled. I felt more freedom by the moment as I screamed out, pushing through the pain of the red ink. I needed to try my best to take control. "YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED! LET ME GO!?" I shouted.

Suddenly the red ink disappeared. I fell to the ground, panting. "P-Papa?" Asked Bendy. I looked up at him. "P-Papa...your's...back to normal!" Bendy exclaimed running up to me, hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back. Bendy cried into my chest. "'s okay bud...I'm here...I'm back..."

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now