Chapter 42- Ink Episode

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((EDITED 12/13/22))

OKAY- I know Sammy already kinda had a MINOR ink episode- but when this title says "ink episode"- I mean- it's- intense? More like "dramatic"- soooo yeah, drama in this chapter!

Henry POV
I walked out of the room and smiled when I saw Sammy and Norman sleeping together. Sammy was snuggled close to Norman. I sighed, knowing I had to wake them up. I walked over to them and laid a hand on Norman's shoulder. He jumped and stared at me. I quickly removed my hand. "Oops! I'm so sorry! I forgot about the blue ink..." I mumbled. Norman shrugged. "It's fine...are we leaving now?" He asked. I nodded. "After we get Wally and Buddy revived. Inky stared at me, confused. "Okay, okay- what the hell happened while I was locked up?" They asked. I chuckled. "I'll explain while, Norman wakes Sammy up. Norman rolled his eyes and nodded.

After Explaining

Inky stared at me. " you're telling me that in the time I was in gained the power of freakin bringing people from the dead- Sammy is dying from ink poison and you can't save him until he dies...Wally, Buddy. Allison, and Tom all died, you only just revived those two- AND YOU FREAKIN KILLED JOEY-"

"Yes...yes that all's been one hell of a night..." I mumbled. Inky sighed. "Well...I'm going to walk through this wall to grab Wally and Buddy from level 14, then bring them back..." Inky mumbled as they walked through the wall. They had given Allison Bendy, to watch over him.

I sat down next to Norman and a very angry Sammy. "Not a person who likes waking up?" I asked. Norman nodded. "He's aggressive..." He mumbled. I smirked. "Aren't we all..."

Sammy POV
Drama starting up- now-

I stopped glaring at Henry and looked down at my hands. They were shaking. My was getting a bit harder to breath by the second. I felt cold and...weird inside...I got torn from my thoughts when suddenly my breath stopped. I couldn't breath even if I tried. I didn't wanna tell anyone, that'll put more stress on everyone. I tried to gasp for air, but as I did, I started coughing.

Norman started panicking as he tried to help me by rubbing my back, it honestly made it worse. I shooed his hands away and groaned. My throat was burning like hell. I dead inside...I looked at my hands to see my veins were turned blackish and my fingers were blue.

Suddenly out of no where I started coughing again, this time ink. It hurt like literally hellfire. I continued to cough up ink as tears ran down my cheeks. Norman was again, trying to comfort me, but it really wasn't working.

I got a moment of air and quickly looked at, Henry. "Gosh! Just kill me already! Make it st-" I got cut off by more ink. Henry sighed. "I'm sorry...even if I won't change the ink..." Henry said. Norman nodded. "You have to get it out of your has to kill you..." He mumbled.

I widened my eyes as I could not breath anymore. My eyes were sore from crying. My throat burnt like hell. My body felt weak. I then fell, my vision going black.

Heh- don't worry! He's not dead- yet- it takes an average of 2 months in my AU for ink poisoning to kill you. 1 month if your not already dead. That was literally how ink episodes for my AU look like- dramatic, right? 👀

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now