Chapter 54- Phone Call

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((EDITED 12/14/22))

(This will be all about a phone call between, Allison, Tom, Sammy, and others!)

A- "Hello? Allison here!"

S- "Hey, Allison..."

A- "Sammy! You're okay! Thank god..."

S- *chuckles* "Heh...yeah..."

A- "Well, how are you feeling? Still sick?"

S- "A little...I'm definitely still recovering from the illness..." *coughs*

A- "I- HEY!"

T- "Hey! Sammy!"

S- "Hey, Tom..."

T- "I'm guessing you wanna know where, Norman is?"

S- "Y-Yeah..."

T- "Well...Last time I saw him...he was passed out cold...I'll check on him again though!" *walking*

S- "Okay!"

T- *door creaks* "Norman! Sammy's on the phone!"


T- "Fine...geez..."

N- "Hey, Sam Sam!"

S- "Hi..."

N- "You feeling better? Do you need me to make you anything before you get here?"

S- "I...I'm a little sick...maybe a cold...but I should be f-"

N- "I'll get you stuff to be comfortable!"

S-"I- okay? But we do need to talk about something when I get home..."

N- "About what?"

S- "Can't say right now..."

N- "About Hen or Inky?"

S- "Second one..."

N- "Okay! How long are you going to be?"

S- "3 more hours...Oh! Can you get my book that's in my bookcase. It's on the top self in the back! It's the "Illusion Of Living" the one, Joey wrote...I want you to read chapter 5 page 165..."

N- "Okay! Out loud?"

S- "Yes..."

N- "Mhm..." *gets book*

N- "It says...Hmm...chapter"

S- "Mhm!"

N- "It says...As soon as I die...I already have a plan who I will'll be to obvious if I say it here! If you're reading this now...guess you will have to find out yourself~ signed- Joey Drew..."

S- "So I was right..."

N- "Huh?"

S- "nothing! I'll explain when I get there..."

N- "Okay! Get some sleep..."

S- "Okay...Bye..."

N- "Bye Bye!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now