Chapter 7- Inky's Room

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((EDITED 12/10/22))

Henry POV

I smiled as I finished making the bed and setting up all the stuff in Inky's new room. I made sure the bedding was black so when they slept they didn't stain stuff with ink. They had selves to put stuff on, dressers, and a nice black rug. I even put a piece of paper on the door, taping it of course. It said "Inky" on it, resembling that it was their room.

I sighed and wiped the sweat off my head as I walked out of his room. "Inky! I finished!" I shouted. Suddenly I felt a cold hand of my shoulder. I turned around and screamed when I saw them. "Hi~!" Inky purred. I rolled my eyes. "Okay! Now before you go in your room...where is Bendy sleeping? In my room or yours?" I asked. Inky thought for a moment then pointed to me. "Yours...I'm not good with children...and he acts like a literal child."

I chuckled and nodded. "I'll set up a crib in there for him tomorrow! For tonight he will sleep in my bed with me." I said, smiling. Inky nodded. "Okay! Now look at your room!" I said, a bit impatient. They nodded and opened the door, walking into their new room. They looked around, excitedly. "It's so nice! Thanks, Henry!" They purred excitedly as they hugged me. Well I should say death gripped me. I coughed. "I-Inky...your squeezing the literal life out of me..." I mumbled. Inky set me down. "Sorry..." They mumbled. I smiled. "It's fine!"

"You're Safe Now" Immortal Ink ((BOOK 1)) //A BATIM FANFICTION//Where stories live. Discover now